Sunday, April 8, 2007

Disney Thinks Black

Not your "usual" animated character the 'Black Frog Princess' debutes on the Disney network.
The Daily Show brings in the experts to get a view point

Showcasing of minorities in media has been on the rise lately. TV shows, ads, even pop-ups featuring African American, Asian and Hispanic faces are more common place now then five years back when I came to the US.

It comes down to waking up to reality, targeting the niches and the races with insufficient representation in media. These are niches that have either not seen representation in media for the longest of times or have been used for the most part to poke fun at.

In sum, great (very late) step Disney!

Interesting Promo for New Book

There are traditional ways to market a book and then there is -

I am impressed not by the execution but the superb simplicity of the idea. It is something that many of us may think of in parts but not in its whole. What I mean is that I have thought of scribbling notes on (well not on the top) of my refrigerator at times and I have thought of launching a new product. But never married the two thoughts.

In a sense, there lurks a new way of thinking about marketing and promotion in the combination of simple everyday thoughts and once-in-a-while ideas.